I found an interesting article related to inbound tourism! Since I had plenty of things to think about, I wrote it. For the Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has set up a robot within the Tokyo Metropolitan Government to put in practical experiments to honor foreign tourists, etc., in order to lead to practical application of robots corresponding to tourist information in multiple languages such as English and Chinese. While developing technologies for robots to support foreign languages tourists visiting Japan in multiple languages, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government will conduct demonstration experiments to install multiple robots in the Tokyo Metropolitan Government in order to […]

Super Unique Accommodation in Tokyo Drew on Italian Style
We have a distributed hotel in Japan. To my suprise, it’s located in the metropolitan city; Tokyo. I talked about Albergo Diffuso one day and I’ll share the Japanese one today. Albergo Diffuso: New Accommodation Style in Italy What’s hanare? It’s a regional integrated hotel at Yanaka, Taito in Tokyo. The concept is like below. HAGISO showed in the center of circle is the reception and the receptionist introduces the town including the information of restaurant and shop. It’s just same as Albergo Diffuso in terms of scattering outside after check-in!! Every place such as shop, cafe and public bath is a part of hotel so we can enjoy everything with […]
Tags: Accommodation, Community development, Japan, Rural, Tokyo