Contact Us


Please feel free to use this contact form if you have any questions about our tours.

Have not the FAQ page solved your concern?

If you have not checked it, please visit FAQ before filling the form.

Have you checked the rate list for the tour you are interested in?

We only offer private tours which are more expensive than other general group tours. We recommend you check that everything is OK before enquiring the availability.



  • We do not reply back to any enquiries that already listed on the FAQ page or tour detail pages. Please check them before sending the enquiry form.
  • Regarding enquiries about availability, we do not reply back when we do not have enough space to accommodate or there is no alternative tour.
  • Please understand that we do not reply back if your enquiry is not concerned about any of our services advertised on our website. (e.g. booking for bus or accommodation, introduction of tour agency, multi-day tour)

Takayama Office

Oshinmachi 1-65, Takayama
Gifu, Japan 506-0851

*There is no on-site staff at the office.

Hagiwara Office

Hagiwara 1818, Hagiwaracho, Gero
Gifu, Japan 509-2517